Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Ok so this one is probably going to have to be short. It is 7:30 in the morning on Christmas, and I have been up all night playing a stupid video game. I need to wrap dad's present before he wakes up and being that I ordered it online and it isn't here yet part of that is going to require this dumb printer to actually print (I know, I'm asking to much aren't I).

So anyway I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and touch base. I cannot believe that it has been like a week or more since my last class and yet I have not written a blog or hand a nice long talk with my friends on the phone. Sometimes I think the holidays make us more busy then school. GASP, Did I just say that, something could actually make me more out of touch then school. Well, it is just the way it is, the holidays make people more busy then almost anytime of year. I think this is why I love my family so much (and by family I am, for the moment, speaking specifically of my Mom and Dad). We try not to let the holidays stress us out. Its not about how many people we can visit or if we got all of our shopping done on time. It is about being together an taking the time to remember why we celebrate in the first place. One of my favorite traditions we do almost every year is before we rip into the gifts we read some form of the Christmas story. This year I had planned on giving it a bit of a twist by reading a version I don't think I have hear in years, the story told by the animals. Sadly I forgot to look it up ahead of time and now it is a bit late for that.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great time with their family and friends and I can't wait to hear from you. Now I have to hurry as it is already almost 10 after 8.
Love to all and to all a goodnight.

Friday, December 12, 2008

WYSIWYMGIYRRLAAGW: What You See Is What You Might Get If You're Really Really Lucky And All Goes Well.

Ok, so I really need to be studying right now (you have no idea how badly) but I just
came across something that I had to through out there.
Both of you have put out a "you know your a *your occupation here*" thing lately and while that is not exactly what this is, it tells the story of what my life has been reduced to since I began working on my networking degree. The following is a list of legit computer industry acronyms and I have added the proper definitions in asterisk to make it make more sense. However the made up ones may be more accurate at times lol.
ps. if it works I am putting the real definitions in blue and the fake in red to further clarify.


CD-ROM:*Compact Disk Read Only Memory*
Consumer Device, Rendered Obsolete in Months

PCMCIA: *Personal Computer Memory Card International Association*
People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms

ISDN:*Integrated Services Digital Network*
It Still Does Nothing

SCSI: *Small Computers System Interface*
System Can't See It

MIPS: *Million Instructions Per Second*
Meaningless Indication of Processor Speed

DOS: *Disk Operating System*
Defunct Operating System

WINDOWS: *Windows*
Will Install Needless Data On Whole System

OS/2: *Operating System two*
Obsolete Soon, Too

PnP: *Plug and Play*
Plug and Pray

APPLE: *Apple*
Arrogance Produces Profit-Losing Entity

IBM: *International Business Machines*
I Blame Microsoft

DEC: *Digital Equipment Corporation*
Do Expect Cuts

MICROSOFT: *This isn't confirmed but I would think is stands for Microcomputer Software*
Most Intelligent Customers Realize Our Software Only Fools Teenagers

COBOL: *C0mmon Business-Oriented Language - aka programming language*
Completely Obsolete Business Oriented Language

LISP: *List Processor - another programming language*
Lots of Insipid and Stupid Parentheses

MACINTOSH: *As far as I know just Macintosh*
Most Applications Crash; If Not, The Operating System Hangs

Well, I'm sure I could come up with more if I had the time but it is was fun sharing just a taste off all the fun. Fortunately there are computer guys out there that like to have fun too. For instance if you don't already know and actually care... You are surely used to a Gigabyte in reference to song storage or such, however that Gigabyte is equal to about 1000 Megabytes which is about 1000 bytes (if I am remembering correctly). A Byte is 8 bits. A bit is the farthest is breaks to and is always a 1 or a 0 which is where the Binary numbering system comes into play, Bi of course meaning 2 and nary meaning nary another lol. Yeah whatever right. So getting back to the point somewhere along the way someone decided to classify 4 bits and when considering 8 bits was a byte they decided to name it a nibble.

So there now if you are ever asked what the name for 4 bits is you know. Aren't you a happier individual now.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Too much to say and no time to say it in

Wow, is it really December. Hard to believe that this year is almost over. It has been a full year in our new home and so many things have happened. But really it seems to be the last three weeks or so that I have had tons of things to blog about. The only problem is I didn't have any time to sit down and blog. (Man only in this technological world we now live in could a word that by all means should be a noun referring to a blog as you would to a newspaper be made into a verb. I mean you wouldn't say I'm articling, or noveling.)

So anyway I know that this in no way will cover everything I have thought about writing the last few weeks, shoot it might not cover any of it. We are just going to have to see where my mind takes me (scary, I know).

Ok, this first one is just something I wanted to get off my chest a couple of weeks ago. Have you ever gone shopping with someone(I know I'm talking to a couple of shopoholics here but just wait for me to finish) and they say, "you can go look at whatever you want, we don't have to stick together" and then just as soon as you start to head for the cool area rug you wanted to look at or your size in clothes they say, "OH WAIT, Come back I want to show you something." My mom is the worst with this. I can't figure her out. She is always saying I don't have to follow her but the minute I head off she is trying to find me. I mean, I don't know if I have ever had this happen with anyone else but it is one of those "I love you mom but your driving me crazy" things. I have told her I don't mind sticking by her, I like shopping together, much more fun then shopping alone, but don't tell me to go look at what I want and then call me back instantly. Ok, I think I feel better, that has just been getting to me.

Next, well, this is where it gets tough, that first one has really been bugging me so I remembered it but now I can't think of what else I have wanted to write about. I guess I will just let everyone know how my break went, please fill me in to if you haven't already.

I spent the first part getting my room ready, it is nice to have it cleaned up but then when you have to turn around and sleep on the floor in the other room it kind of stinks. I do love having company though, it was really nice to see my aunt and uncle. We don't get together much so it isn't quite the same connection I have with my dads sisters who I grew up seeing at least once a year and took me shopping and stuff but it is still nice to be with family. They have the cutest dog named Millie. She is so sweet but a little loud when she barks. My ears are still ringing. Anyway, they got here just moments before grandma and grandpa did so we got to get right into dinner and catching up. It was a nice evening and then we went to bed. I got up and went to work with mom around 8 on thanksgiving dinner. It went surprisingly smooth this year. Aunt Lori helped wash dishes as fast as we could dirty them and then we all sat down to the full spread. I had planned to describe it here but I am tired just thinking about typing all that. Just know we are still eating the left overs. Friday came, Unlike years of past we choose not to get up at the crack of dawn and rush to all the black Friday sales. We did however get out a little later and I got this cool thing at Penny's. It's a collage frame that is hinged to reveal a jewelry box behind it. The main reason I love it is the earring slots are perfect for my fish hook earrings.

Dad also picked our a lovely jewelry set for mom. I hope she likes it. She can be a little picky. It is a big deal that he even bought her jewelry and an even bigger deal that he has her Christmas present more then 3 days before Christmas. I still don't even know what I'm giving her.

So moving on Uncle Steve and Aunt Lori left Saturday. Dad and I went back out this time hitting Circuit city. We were so tired that when we got home we were falling asleep trying to watch the iron bowl so we went to bed and left it recording and watched the rest of the great game after our nap. Take that thumb.

Sunday wasn't much, we did more shopping, played games, watched the colts barley win against the browns I think. It is sad when you can't remember a game that happened yesterday.

Today was mom and dad's 24th wedding anniversary. It was nice to have grandma and grandpa here to celebrate. We went to ruby tuesdays for dinner and then came home, exchanged cards and gifts and played more games.

Tomorrow is going to be hard the last class I attended was on the 12th. Like almost 3 weeks ago. I am not looking forward to having to make up for the fact that I have done almost no reading in the last 3 weeks in the next three weeks. The only good thing is that I don't have to worry about the final in one of my classes too much. The bad thing is the other two are going to be bears. That said I am resolved not to freak out if I end up with a B, this semester will be over and I can enjoy being done again. For now anyway.

Well, I know that there is more I wanted to say but for now I need to read for a bit and then get some sleep, grandma and grandpa are going home tomorrow and I have class so I see it being a long one.

Hope everyone is doing good. I can't wait to hear how your thanksgiving was (Jordan mainly since jess already filled me in a bit) and just talk to you soon.

Love all around,

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ok, so it's not all the rain

So I was complaining about the rain leaving me lazy. As it turns out I was wrong. It isn't the rain, its just me. I always get this way near the end of the semester but I guess this time economics has stressed me out so much that I am falling victim to the end of the semester drain a little early. It may also have to do with the fact that we have family coming in a little more then a week and I am trying to get things ready for that. I don't know, I just wish there was one day that I could get up and go without dragging through the whole day. Lately I have been sleeping longer and then still feel like I need a nap in the afternoon. I did have a moment today that does lead me to think it is all from being in the house all day. I went to return something to CVS and in doing so got a jolt. It was cold but not deathly so and the sun was out. I was in one of my favorite warm sweatshirts and it just felt so good. I decided I wasn't ready to go home so I just drove around a little, with a brief stop at a favorite bakery for some doughnuts. It was a nice little break from feeling couped up and it left me feeling just a little lighter then I have in a while. I have to be honest. I am really looking forward to the holidays this year. More then normal. It is just starting to feel like they go by so fast anymore and I want to really savor them. Nothing makes the end of the semester more bearable then knowing you get that one week off for thanksgiving and that there is less then a month left after that. I only have one more test in each of my classes. I will be stressed I'm sure over the econ class but at least I am not alone. I think everyone in that class is ready for it to be over. I will feel a lot better when I know what my grade is on the last test. It will be a week tomorrow that I have waited and I can't stand it. I know that isn't tooooo long but still, in a hard class like this one it is pretty tough. I will let you know how it went when I find out. In the mean time I am going to just try not to think about it.

Well, this is turning into mostly just rambling so I am going to end it hear. Just know I'm thinking about you and wish you were here. I would love to go shopping and hang out for even just one afternoon. It would be so cool to be able to ramble in person. Sometimes when I really get to going on one of these I start typing like I talk. That is why they end up so long at times.

Anyway, I'm off to the shower. I will touch base later.
Love ya

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rain rain go away.

Ok, I know my last post was weather based but the weather has always played a major roll on my mood and such. My favorite time of the year is upon us. Fall, I love it. A cool crispness to the air, pretty clear skies, trees changing colors. It's wonderful. However, this weather my friends is not that of my favorite time of the year. First is was near below freezing temps and now the RAIN. It won't go away. It has been raining almost non stop all week. I am sick of waking up to grey, drury, cold mornings. You would think it was January not mid November. I will be so sick inside if it is like this for thanksgiving. I miss my beautiful fall days we were having in October. Why did November have to come and take em away. Ok, I know you can't see me right now but I am sitting here with my lower lip sticking out acting like a 4 year old.

Oh well, at least there is one thing that yucky weather can't ruin about the fall, Football. No matter how cold, how sloppy, or how terrible the weather is, we can always count on our tough guys in tight pants to take the field once more. I look forward to watching Alabama tomorrow (assuming they are showing the game here) and the colts Sunday. Maybe, just maybe another winning weekend can bring me out of my slump.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

You know, its really hard to study under the covers.


So, if you know me you probably know I like it cold. I love my warm clothes and can't stand waring them if it isn't under at least 65. However for some reason tonight I am frezzing. I just checked and it is currently 32 outside! I mean it could be snowing! And it isn't even thanksgiving yet. The therostat says it is 62 in here but we have not yet started running heat and I'm not sure the temp reading out there is the same as the temp in my room. I have yet to be this cold this fall but I guess it is better then the other end of the spectrum. I hate when I am really hot and we already have sky high ac bills. At least this way I can climb under the covers.

The big problem is I am working on Econ. tonight. I have my next test tuesday. I am freaked. I don't know what he is wanting on this test. I mean I understand the material but I don't know how he wants us to answer the test. It is giving me gray hair. I will be so glad when this class is over. I never want to think about economics again.

On a happier note, Alabama won AGAIN. True, it was a sad win considering how much LSU sucked and we had to go into over time to win it but none the less the Crimpson Tide is 10-0. Similarly the Colts actually pulled it off aging this week. I never thought they had a chance after the first half but somehow they managed to beat the pitsburg stealers 24-20. Overall not a bad weekend as far as sports go.

Well, I've got to get some sleep. It's almost 3:30 and I have to figure this stuff out tomorrow. I hope you will forgive me but I have to skip the spell check tonight.

I will let you know how the test goes. Later.

I have got to get some sleep. It is like

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Man I need to take a shower. Hey I know I write a blog instead.

Sigh, I think this blog stuff is turning into an addiction. I used to be the one that might blog once a month if I was doing good. Lately it seems like anytime I have something I need to do I end up writing a blog instead. Its no secret that I like to talk. Ever since we moved up here I feel like all I do is talk mom's ears off all day. Poor mom. Sometimes I spend the 
whole day in my room studying and don't talk to anyone hardly at all. Today was kinda like that 
but I did have dinner and watch Sara Conner with mom and dad so not really. But on those days 
when I don't feel like I have gotten my words out for the day I find blogging a way of getting them in. The best part is if someone doesn't have time to read they can wait till later or if the aren't interested at all they don't have to read, unlike when we are talking in person and you are stuck lol.

So today was a good day. I thought I was going to be late to class today because I was really struggling with waking up. I stayed up half the night finishing some homework for that class. So while I was laying in bed this morning trying to peel myself off my pillow I decided to roll over and check my email, yes, I sleep with my laptop, I know, sad. Anyway I normally would have
looked at my email and jumped up and gotten in the shower or whatever. This morning however
I decided to look on the school website before I got up because I am waiting for some response
to an economics question. Upon logging on I saw something out of the ordinary. An announcement from my hardware teacher. Sean never post comments unless it has to do with one of our online test. As my eyes started to focus a little more I realize it was saying class was canceled today.
This was huge, this was the first time I have ever had a class canceled and found out about it before I got all the way down town. That has happened three times to me and it drives me nuts. This was the best little unexpected blessing ever. I ate lunch, watched tv, studied and then took a nice long nap before getting up and spending time with mom and dad. So it was just a nice simple day off. I love being able to work at my own pace. I just wish my pace were a little faster sometimes cause I'm a little behind right now. Ok a lot behind but having today to get some out of class work done helped.

Well, I'm tuckered so I think I am going to try to finish this chapter and go to bed. Night all.
Much love

Monday, November 3, 2008

A very nice weekend

So it's Monday again. I had a nice weekend and kinda hate to see it over. Specifically since I really should have spent the whole weekend studying and now have it still to do with a lot less time.

It sorta started on Friday, after the horribly painful dentist appointment. That is the last time I wait 10 years between cleanings.

Anyway right after the torture stopped we met dad at the Starbucks in the lobby of his office building (the dentist was in this building too). We had a nice little coffee break with him before he went back to work. After we left we went to Micheal's and did some just for fun shopping. It was just a nice fall day and I enjoyed it.

Saturday was fun. Mom and I started the day by going to a craft fair at a local high school. We had a good time and I won a truly free set of jewelry. It was funny really, when we were going into the place we got asked by this lady that was leaving if we wanted her raffle tickets. I didn't even know there was going to be a raffle but of course I said yes. So we walk around and shop for a while. I found a colts dog tag necklace at one place and these pretty hand beaded earrings at another. After walking all over this school looking at booth
after booth we were just about ready to leave. Finally we found this one last hallway we almost skipped but decided to go down. Upon doing so I found the office were they were drawing the raffle tickets. They had all the ones taped to a window that had been drawn so mom and I went through them and found that one of ours was up there. Mom said I could pick out the prize so I went in and looked through everything. As it turns out one of the prized was a set of earrings and a bracelet from the lady I bought my earrings from. They were like a diamond in the ruff as everything else was rather picked over (it was kinda the end of this thing). Anyway it was a fun day and we ended up sleeping really good that night. Oh, and to top it off Alabama won making the 9-0 and ranked #1 in the country.

Sunday, to be honest I can't remember what all happened yesterday. All I know is it finished with the colts winning against our biggest rival the new England patriots. It was totally unexpected as prior to this game our record this season was 3-4 which is just awful for us, or for anyone really.
Anyway that was a really exciting victory and it really made my night. I know we did something else but for some reason that is all I can remember.

Well, it isn't the weekend any more and I have 2 weeks worth of work to get through by tomorrow night so I'll be going now. Love yall.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I'm tired of and hate politics, however...

Ok, so I know this election is just around the corner and is possibly one the biggest ever so this is just a little synopsis of where I'm at right now. All meant to share, inform, and maybe even amuse, but not in anyway try to start an argument.

To start with I don't know how true this is but according to an email I got from mom and some things said on the news it is not a good idea to vote straight ticket this time around. This does not mean you have to vote any different just don't select the straight ticket option on the ballet. The story is that there is a glitch and if you do your vote may not be counted. While I may not agree with everyone’s choice I do believe its your choice and should be counted. That said it is supposed to be safer to vote for each individual person.

Next I just wanted to share this to anyone interested. I understand that this is a hard year with neither choice being clear cut but I figure that those that know me probably already know I am going to vote for McCain. In the end I believe a presidential election can be broken down into two main topics: Economic and Moral. Economics is hard (as I am grossly aware of this semester:). I don't know if anyone really understands these plans including the politicians that create them in the first place. I don't like the sound of McCain’s plan all that well, and I feel like Obama's sounds a little vague and a bit "too good to be true." It sounds great to say Health coverage on pre-existing conditions and choose your own doctor and all that but when it comes down to it we all know very well that the only way government can make health programs better is by raising taxes. So the question is how can you talk about all the good things your going to use federal funding on and in the next breath say your going to cut taxes. It just doesn't work. I fear the day we have to work 6 months to pay our taxes and 6 months to make out living. Anyway the second topic, Morals, this one has its gray areas but it substantially easier. It is what our faith and our conscience tells us is right or wrong. Abortion, same sex marriage, equality issues and the such. Now as an American taxpayer (well, soon anyway) I am concerned by the economic standpoints but as a Christian I am admit about the Moral issues. As long as my life is not my own (therefore God’s) then my vote is not really my own either. So in trying to decide what issues are most important it doesn’t take long to decide what God would choose, I believe it was Paul that said “the love of money is the root of all evil.” When it comes down to it people are what is important. Our freedom of choice is a part of that so I will never persecute someone for being gay but I should be able to believe it’s wrong without being persecuted. I remember a conversation with a friend about concern for her kids growing up in a time when they could get in fights or trouble at school for voicing there opinion on the issue. Well I read something scary the other day that sounds like one of those freedoms being taken away. There is a law that currently protects a doctor from having to perform an abortion if he/she feels it is wrong. According to the statement that is something Obama hope to overturn by signing something called the Freedom of Choice Act. So they are saying that it is no longer ok to stick to your convictions. If I were a doctor and told I had to offer the procedure I would turn in my license freely before ever committing murder. This came from a very interesting news letter written by Dr. Dobson (focus on the family.) You can read it in it’s entirety here.

Well, I didn’t really mean to go on for so long there I’m just that wordy.

So to finish things off on a smile I want you to for just a minute forget that this has anything to do with the election. I got this forwarded to me earlier and had to pass it along.

Where it all began
A little girl wrote to Sarah Palin and asked;
'How did the human race start?'
Sarah Palin answered, 'God made Adam and Eve;
They had children; and so was all mankind made.'
Two days later the girl wrote to Michelle Obama
and asked the same question.
Michelle Obama answered,
'Many years ago there were monkeys from
which the human race evolved.'
The confused girl went to her father and said,
'Dad, how is it possible that Sarah Palin told me
the Human race was created by God,
And Michelle Obama said they evolved from monkeys.'
The father answered, 'Well, Dear, it is very simple,
Sarah Palin told you about her ancestors
and Michelle Obama told you about hers.'

Forgetting the election for a moment it just has to make you laugh.

Much love to everyone. I wish you well.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dreaming of the economy of Gilmores if they were felons and not my lab partner.

Get ready for a brain dump because that is all this blog can be described as.

First if I haven't mentioned it already I HATE ECONOMICS!!!
It isn't just the material, it's the fact that nothing is simple, NOTHING.
My grade for my first test was posted for a week before I found it. I was going crazy looking and worrying about what I got and there it was just sitting there, laughing at me for not being able to find it.
Next, the test, our teacher gives us the test to work on during the time between the last one and the next one so we can be as ready as possible for the big one. It sounds easy right, you have 5 weeks to figure the thing out at home and then you just have to go fill it in during the testing period. Well, it isn't that simple. But then again I wasn't going to make this about the material so I wont. The test itself is all messed up. There is answer lines at the top the a term printed at the bottom of them. No explanation of whether we are supposed to define the term, draw something, or what. It isn't just there either it happened in a few other places. The whole thing is just a mess and while I have asked the instructor a few questions I don’t know when I will hear back from him.

Moving on, I had the weirdest dream last night. I always forget the best details of a dream but lets just say there was a cross between Gilmore Girls and Smallville. (I know right?) So anyway Kirk (of all people) was shopping at Macys with a female character from Gilmore Girls (though I can’t remember who now). It was there annual charity thing where you donate 5 dollars to a local charity and get an all day shopping pass for 20% off. Kirk is way more into this think then the woman is and she is just browsing around. Now this next part is where it gets weird. This specific Macys has this incredible layout. It is like one of those McDonalds that are way fancier then any other MickyDs. It has the whole store built up like on a cliff or something and below is some sort of fake riving or something. The dumb part is it isn’t roped off and so off course the woman in my dream falls in. As Kirk is trying to figure out what to do in his usual odd manor she shouts, call Clark. He does but there is no answer. Now here it’s a little fuzzy too because I remember that Clark was busy I just don’t remember with what. So anyway Kirk ends up jumping in the river, going down a whirlpool with the woman and rescuing her when they are flushed out into a water filtering zone by having her hold onto his legs as he swam out (she was injured and unable to swim).

Welp, that’s it. good luck interrupting that one.

Finally I thought I would end this on a good note.

God answers prayers even when all you do is complain them and not really pray them. That guy I mentioned in a previous blog that I was having trouble with as a lab partner didn’t come to class last week. I mean I was almost so stress about having to work with him again that I just about didn’t go. I hope he is ok and all because he never misses and I would feel just awful if I found out he wasn’t there because he was injured. Assuming nothing like that happened YIPPPPIE. I gone done with my lab and nothing had to be redone because of my partner working ahead. I ended up with felon girl. I’m not being mean there, she is a felon and for some reason brings it up every week, like she’s proud on it. So anyway I had her for my partner and while morally and politically we are worlds apart we do work better together then I have with a couple of the other partners I’ve had.

So anyway that’s it for now. I really should have been trying to work out this econ instead of writing this but I needed an outlet.

Love yall

Monday, October 20, 2008

So just because we have newer and better do we have to throw out the tried and true.

What is up with finding 13" tvs. I am trying to replace my baby, the tv I got at the same time as you guys. It went out on me about a week ago. I miss it so much. I love my cheap little tv, it work so well and unlike most of today's flat panel tvs I can leave it paused on something for hours without have the image burn in. I still don't under stand that. Why can I leave something up on my lap top screen all day but if I do on the plasma screen for like 20 mins it starts ghosting.
So anyway I thought finding a cheap 13" tube tv would be easy with all the bigger tvs starting to come down in price.  Instead it apears that they have stopped making them almost all together. I have found 1 or 2 online but even they are all over a hundred bucks. I don't even think mom and dad spent that on mine. So now because the bigger fancier flat panel LCD and Plasmas are so popular I am being penalized for wanting the small old technology. NOT FAIR.

Ok, I guess I am done ranting for now. I just hope I can find a better deal out there. Wish me luck.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Man, I gotta get a profile Pic on here

I mean really. It has been forever since I have felt like I have had a good enough pic to post. Part of that has to do with the fact that I am in major need of a hair cut and until I do that my bangs just look stringy. I keep trying to get creative but somehow those just always look scary. Maybe I will get a good one tomorrow when we go to the covered bridge festival. I am really looking forward to it. I love these fall temps we are having and tomorrow it is supposed to be like 60. Perfect for a light jacket or maybe just my long sleeves. I love this trip. I don't know why, last year we got so lost and half the things we went looking for were no where to be found but there is just something fun about getting lost out in the middle of tons of booths and shopping that makes everything ok.

My mom's cousin is going with us this year. She is so nice and lots of fun. We went up north to Zionsville today and ate lunch at the cool old church that had been turned into an art gallery. Beautiful stuff in there. I just can't afford any of it.

So any way my best news right now is I am done with my first class. It was an 8 week format and is now all done. I am sure I got an A too. He hasn't posted them yet but I just aced my last two quizzes and am on quite a buzz right now.

I wish my other classes were going as well. I still don't know what I got on my first econ test that I took over a week ago. It is driving me crazy. I haven't even started studying for the next one yet, I just hate this class. I don't want to think about it anymore.

Now, hardware should be my breezy class. I have already read the whole book and done all the labsims. All I have is the test (really easy), homework, and in class labs. That last one is the problem. The hard part isn't the lab, it's learning to work with someone else. The first week I had this sweet old man that is apart of this senior studies program. He was nice but really slow. We got down to the last 20 mins of class and still had one whole lab to do. I had to take control and do it really quick which isn't exactly my specialty but I had no choice. The next week I got a really great partner who not only knew what he was doing but was good at working with me instead of against me.

The real problem has been the last two labs. Normally Sean, my teacher, is really good about making sure we don't have the same partner two weeks in a row. However, he slipped and I got this same guy twice. I hate to talk bad about him, especially if there is really something wrong with him but he is driving me nuts. He is super hyper and impatient, like he is ADHD or something but is also a little condescending in a wired sort of way. He takes full control and works way ahead of where there teacher is tell us what to do and therefore sometimes messes things up. We had to redo this one thing 3 times yesterday. He is tough on the equipment and forces things out when they aren't ready to come out. He even hit the CD drive repeatedly with his screwdriver trying to get it out. I’m always afraid he is going to break something. He acts like he might be autistic or something but I just don't know. I can't slow him down and I don't know what to do. The worst part is I am going to have him again next week because this lab was a two parter. I don't even want to go to class. I can't handle him. He makes me want to scream. Oh, and one other weird thing, he acts like a wimp when it comes to pain. One week he was doing a lot of screw driving and kept going on about his hand hurt. Then last time he pokes his forearm a little (didn't even leave a mark) into the corner of the computer case and jumped and said ouch like he had just cut himself. Then he rubbed it for sometime like it was really hurt or something. Like I said I really think there is something wrong with him which makes me feel guilty but since I don't know what it is it just makes my life more complicated. Pray for me next week. If he messes something up here it will take forever to fix. Not looking forward to that.

Well, I have to get up in like 5 hours so I had better go to bed. Night all, love you.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Alabama foot ball, Carmel Apples, and Shared printers. What an odd combination.

Sigh, I hate when I think of things to say when I don't have time to sit down and write and then when I do I have forgotten what I wanted to talk about. I guess I will just have to wing it.

So to start with the most recent, I am psyched about Alabama's start to this season. This may finally be the year we can break this iron bowl run. I am so ready to beat their little Auburn butts.
Don't get me wrong, ever since we moved I have developed an appreciation for Auburn, when we aren't playing them I want them to win over anybody. Just the same come this November I be head to toe, 100% Alabama crimson tide fan.
Any way I am really excited to be 4-0 and just beat number 3 ranked Georgia.

Well, today we went to the apple orchard and had a nice outing. It wasn't exactly the cool, colorful trees, fall kind of day that we typically do this trip on but fun just the same. I then got to come home and take one of those really great naps. You know, the kind where you fall asleep and don't wake up for 2 hours but you were sleeping so hard it felt like 2 seconds. I felt so good after that. I got up bumped into mom in the kitchen where we sat at the center island and shared my Carmel apple. I just love fall and every thing that goes with it. Carmel apples are just one of those fun traditions that make it so much fun.

I finally got the stupid printer shared. It sounds kind of weird I know but I have to struggling to do this on my own for like a month. Dad has always set that up in the past and this time I couldn't get him to look at it so I just decided to try. Now mind you I have shared like half a dozed printers in the labs in class but for some reason I had trouble doing it at home. I finally got really close the other night but then I realized that I didn't have the right driver on my computer so I went to the website and to my dismay couldn't find my operating system. (windows xp, how hard is that?) Anywho, I finally found the cd that had the driver on it, downloaded it and boom, I was able to connect. It's so encouraging to know at least some of what I'm learning is sinking in.
Ok, thank for reading that I know it was probably really boring but a big deal for me.

Well, I had all kinds of things I wanted to say the other day but now I am running a bit blank, besides I am really tired and I need to do a little work on this econ test before I go to get. I am so tired of this class but at least some of it is starting to make sense.

Later yall, take care.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I could hide out under there, I just made you say "underwear"

This is so just an intro to get this thing going. I have absolutely nothing to blog about today but I just go done reading a bunch of other peoples and got really made that I forgot my old blogspot login name and password so I just set up a new account. I can't keep up with all these dumb passwords.

So any way... ummm... well... OH, that title is currently my favorite lyric from any song on earth. I know, a little sad but still I love it. It just catches you off guard. Your really swaying getting into this song and all of the sudden he says this line I you just stop and say, what? Did he just say what I think he said, so you rewind and dog gone sure enough he made a joke right in the middle of no wear in the middle of his song. I think that is my fav. thing about the bare naked ladies stuff it that most of it is just light hearted fun stuff. If I had 1,000,000 dollars is and will always be one of my all time fav songs for just that reason. "If I had a million dollars, I would buy you a green dress, but not a real green dress that's cruel."  Ok, so that makes no sense if you have never heard the song before but trust me its funny.

So, one of the reasons I personally like blogging is it is a way to let people know what is new, even the stupid little stuff. I think the hardest thing about not living close to friends is that all those little things you used to just know about a person like their favorite candy bar or what song they were really into at the time are now totally hard to come by. I mean when you haven't spoken to someone in over a month it sounds a little dumb to say "so, what was the last song you listened to" or  "if I ran into a gas station and got you a drink what would you want." It feels like you have lost something special when you don't just know without asking anyway. There was a time I just knew that Jordan liked 3 musketeers, or Jess's fav. food was cheese nachos (ok, so some things don't change). I like blogging about what is in my mind on any given day rather then talking about big things in my life. I makes me feel like I am sharing those little pieces of myself that not just anyone knows about me. Not to many people to do that with when you know two or three people in town.  Especially when two of them are your parents who spend so much time with you they get sick of hearing about it. lol.

So anyway the following is just a short list of some of the stuff I like/don't like this week.

1. Music
    Loving right now
        Hate by plain white t's and every so mad that it is never on the radio
        Many the miles by sara ba... barelis... oh, something like that.
        Rocket Man redo by Jason Mraz, You can't find it anywhere but you tube or something of the like but it is worth looking up. I like the way he interacts with his audiences and would love to see him in concert. If you look it up listen to different videos versions cause he changes it up now and again, just make sure it is a different venue cause a lot of people repost the same show.

    Not lovin so much
         I kiss a girl and I liked it, why the heck do they have to play something every 20 mins. I don't like the message but even if it was an ok song in that way hearing it that much would drive me nuts.
         that bleeding love song, nothing about the song really, just that same problem as above, played way to dang much.

       Home Improvement has be a rediscovered fav since nick brought it back.
       Reba - taping every show on the dvr and finally watching them all in order. Love her a ton.
       Gilmore girls - Same as reba taping them and now watching the whole thing play out. I can sit and watch like 5 of those in a row so I am trying to pace myself.
       Sara Conner Chronicles (terminator series) A little hard to follow at times but possible one of the best new drama/scifi series on right now.

       new thing for me is blueberries. I don't so much mean fresh in a bowl but in cobbler of on
top of my pancakes or something mmmmm. I use to not like them very much but man did that
      My fav. chocolate can officially be announced. Lindt Lindor Truffles are the best little balls of
heaven on earth. I don't have many favorites because there is always to many choices that are
good but these are hands down my fav way to eat chocolate. 

    Finally my current pet peeve.
          When you spend an hour carefully composing an email to someone and they read maybe 
half of it and respond to maybe a quarter of your questions. Case and point it my econ teacher.
He has had a lot going on this semester with problems on blackboard and stuff but so have we 
and I feel like he is always responding half way if that much. I will be so glad when this class is

Well, I guess for having nothing to write I made a pretty good blog. I didn't add the Who me?
to my blog title for nothing.

Take care everyone, 
Love you and God bless