Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ok, so it's not all the rain

So I was complaining about the rain leaving me lazy. As it turns out I was wrong. It isn't the rain, its just me. I always get this way near the end of the semester but I guess this time economics has stressed me out so much that I am falling victim to the end of the semester drain a little early. It may also have to do with the fact that we have family coming in a little more then a week and I am trying to get things ready for that. I don't know, I just wish there was one day that I could get up and go without dragging through the whole day. Lately I have been sleeping longer and then still feel like I need a nap in the afternoon. I did have a moment today that does lead me to think it is all from being in the house all day. I went to return something to CVS and in doing so got a jolt. It was cold but not deathly so and the sun was out. I was in one of my favorite warm sweatshirts and it just felt so good. I decided I wasn't ready to go home so I just drove around a little, with a brief stop at a favorite bakery for some doughnuts. It was a nice little break from feeling couped up and it left me feeling just a little lighter then I have in a while. I have to be honest. I am really looking forward to the holidays this year. More then normal. It is just starting to feel like they go by so fast anymore and I want to really savor them. Nothing makes the end of the semester more bearable then knowing you get that one week off for thanksgiving and that there is less then a month left after that. I only have one more test in each of my classes. I will be stressed I'm sure over the econ class but at least I am not alone. I think everyone in that class is ready for it to be over. I will feel a lot better when I know what my grade is on the last test. It will be a week tomorrow that I have waited and I can't stand it. I know that isn't tooooo long but still, in a hard class like this one it is pretty tough. I will let you know how it went when I find out. In the mean time I am going to just try not to think about it.

Well, this is turning into mostly just rambling so I am going to end it hear. Just know I'm thinking about you and wish you were here. I would love to go shopping and hang out for even just one afternoon. It would be so cool to be able to ramble in person. Sometimes when I really get to going on one of these I start typing like I talk. That is why they end up so long at times.

Anyway, I'm off to the shower. I will touch base later.
Love ya

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rain rain go away.

Ok, I know my last post was weather based but the weather has always played a major roll on my mood and such. My favorite time of the year is upon us. Fall, I love it. A cool crispness to the air, pretty clear skies, trees changing colors. It's wonderful. However, this weather my friends is not that of my favorite time of the year. First is was near below freezing temps and now the RAIN. It won't go away. It has been raining almost non stop all week. I am sick of waking up to grey, drury, cold mornings. You would think it was January not mid November. I will be so sick inside if it is like this for thanksgiving. I miss my beautiful fall days we were having in October. Why did November have to come and take em away. Ok, I know you can't see me right now but I am sitting here with my lower lip sticking out acting like a 4 year old.

Oh well, at least there is one thing that yucky weather can't ruin about the fall, Football. No matter how cold, how sloppy, or how terrible the weather is, we can always count on our tough guys in tight pants to take the field once more. I look forward to watching Alabama tomorrow (assuming they are showing the game here) and the colts Sunday. Maybe, just maybe another winning weekend can bring me out of my slump.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

You know, its really hard to study under the covers.


So, if you know me you probably know I like it cold. I love my warm clothes and can't stand waring them if it isn't under at least 65. However for some reason tonight I am frezzing. I just checked and it is currently 32 outside! I mean it could be snowing! And it isn't even thanksgiving yet. The therostat says it is 62 in here but we have not yet started running heat and I'm not sure the temp reading out there is the same as the temp in my room. I have yet to be this cold this fall but I guess it is better then the other end of the spectrum. I hate when I am really hot and we already have sky high ac bills. At least this way I can climb under the covers.

The big problem is I am working on Econ. tonight. I have my next test tuesday. I am freaked. I don't know what he is wanting on this test. I mean I understand the material but I don't know how he wants us to answer the test. It is giving me gray hair. I will be so glad when this class is over. I never want to think about economics again.

On a happier note, Alabama won AGAIN. True, it was a sad win considering how much LSU sucked and we had to go into over time to win it but none the less the Crimpson Tide is 10-0. Similarly the Colts actually pulled it off aging this week. I never thought they had a chance after the first half but somehow they managed to beat the pitsburg stealers 24-20. Overall not a bad weekend as far as sports go.

Well, I've got to get some sleep. It's almost 3:30 and I have to figure this stuff out tomorrow. I hope you will forgive me but I have to skip the spell check tonight.

I will let you know how the test goes. Later.

I have got to get some sleep. It is like

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Man I need to take a shower. Hey I know I write a blog instead.

Sigh, I think this blog stuff is turning into an addiction. I used to be the one that might blog once a month if I was doing good. Lately it seems like anytime I have something I need to do I end up writing a blog instead. Its no secret that I like to talk. Ever since we moved up here I feel like all I do is talk mom's ears off all day. Poor mom. Sometimes I spend the 
whole day in my room studying and don't talk to anyone hardly at all. Today was kinda like that 
but I did have dinner and watch Sara Conner with mom and dad so not really. But on those days 
when I don't feel like I have gotten my words out for the day I find blogging a way of getting them in. The best part is if someone doesn't have time to read they can wait till later or if the aren't interested at all they don't have to read, unlike when we are talking in person and you are stuck lol.

So today was a good day. I thought I was going to be late to class today because I was really struggling with waking up. I stayed up half the night finishing some homework for that class. So while I was laying in bed this morning trying to peel myself off my pillow I decided to roll over and check my email, yes, I sleep with my laptop, I know, sad. Anyway I normally would have
looked at my email and jumped up and gotten in the shower or whatever. This morning however
I decided to look on the school website before I got up because I am waiting for some response
to an economics question. Upon logging on I saw something out of the ordinary. An announcement from my hardware teacher. Sean never post comments unless it has to do with one of our online test. As my eyes started to focus a little more I realize it was saying class was canceled today.
This was huge, this was the first time I have ever had a class canceled and found out about it before I got all the way down town. That has happened three times to me and it drives me nuts. This was the best little unexpected blessing ever. I ate lunch, watched tv, studied and then took a nice long nap before getting up and spending time with mom and dad. So it was just a nice simple day off. I love being able to work at my own pace. I just wish my pace were a little faster sometimes cause I'm a little behind right now. Ok a lot behind but having today to get some out of class work done helped.

Well, I'm tuckered so I think I am going to try to finish this chapter and go to bed. Night all.
Much love

Monday, November 3, 2008

A very nice weekend

So it's Monday again. I had a nice weekend and kinda hate to see it over. Specifically since I really should have spent the whole weekend studying and now have it still to do with a lot less time.

It sorta started on Friday, after the horribly painful dentist appointment. That is the last time I wait 10 years between cleanings.

Anyway right after the torture stopped we met dad at the Starbucks in the lobby of his office building (the dentist was in this building too). We had a nice little coffee break with him before he went back to work. After we left we went to Micheal's and did some just for fun shopping. It was just a nice fall day and I enjoyed it.

Saturday was fun. Mom and I started the day by going to a craft fair at a local high school. We had a good time and I won a truly free set of jewelry. It was funny really, when we were going into the place we got asked by this lady that was leaving if we wanted her raffle tickets. I didn't even know there was going to be a raffle but of course I said yes. So we walk around and shop for a while. I found a colts dog tag necklace at one place and these pretty hand beaded earrings at another. After walking all over this school looking at booth
after booth we were just about ready to leave. Finally we found this one last hallway we almost skipped but decided to go down. Upon doing so I found the office were they were drawing the raffle tickets. They had all the ones taped to a window that had been drawn so mom and I went through them and found that one of ours was up there. Mom said I could pick out the prize so I went in and looked through everything. As it turns out one of the prized was a set of earrings and a bracelet from the lady I bought my earrings from. They were like a diamond in the ruff as everything else was rather picked over (it was kinda the end of this thing). Anyway it was a fun day and we ended up sleeping really good that night. Oh, and to top it off Alabama won making the 9-0 and ranked #1 in the country.

Sunday, to be honest I can't remember what all happened yesterday. All I know is it finished with the colts winning against our biggest rival the new England patriots. It was totally unexpected as prior to this game our record this season was 3-4 which is just awful for us, or for anyone really.
Anyway that was a really exciting victory and it really made my night. I know we did something else but for some reason that is all I can remember.

Well, it isn't the weekend any more and I have 2 weeks worth of work to get through by tomorrow night so I'll be going now. Love yall.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I'm tired of and hate politics, however...

Ok, so I know this election is just around the corner and is possibly one the biggest ever so this is just a little synopsis of where I'm at right now. All meant to share, inform, and maybe even amuse, but not in anyway try to start an argument.

To start with I don't know how true this is but according to an email I got from mom and some things said on the news it is not a good idea to vote straight ticket this time around. This does not mean you have to vote any different just don't select the straight ticket option on the ballet. The story is that there is a glitch and if you do your vote may not be counted. While I may not agree with everyone’s choice I do believe its your choice and should be counted. That said it is supposed to be safer to vote for each individual person.

Next I just wanted to share this to anyone interested. I understand that this is a hard year with neither choice being clear cut but I figure that those that know me probably already know I am going to vote for McCain. In the end I believe a presidential election can be broken down into two main topics: Economic and Moral. Economics is hard (as I am grossly aware of this semester:). I don't know if anyone really understands these plans including the politicians that create them in the first place. I don't like the sound of McCain’s plan all that well, and I feel like Obama's sounds a little vague and a bit "too good to be true." It sounds great to say Health coverage on pre-existing conditions and choose your own doctor and all that but when it comes down to it we all know very well that the only way government can make health programs better is by raising taxes. So the question is how can you talk about all the good things your going to use federal funding on and in the next breath say your going to cut taxes. It just doesn't work. I fear the day we have to work 6 months to pay our taxes and 6 months to make out living. Anyway the second topic, Morals, this one has its gray areas but it substantially easier. It is what our faith and our conscience tells us is right or wrong. Abortion, same sex marriage, equality issues and the such. Now as an American taxpayer (well, soon anyway) I am concerned by the economic standpoints but as a Christian I am admit about the Moral issues. As long as my life is not my own (therefore God’s) then my vote is not really my own either. So in trying to decide what issues are most important it doesn’t take long to decide what God would choose, I believe it was Paul that said “the love of money is the root of all evil.” When it comes down to it people are what is important. Our freedom of choice is a part of that so I will never persecute someone for being gay but I should be able to believe it’s wrong without being persecuted. I remember a conversation with a friend about concern for her kids growing up in a time when they could get in fights or trouble at school for voicing there opinion on the issue. Well I read something scary the other day that sounds like one of those freedoms being taken away. There is a law that currently protects a doctor from having to perform an abortion if he/she feels it is wrong. According to the statement that is something Obama hope to overturn by signing something called the Freedom of Choice Act. So they are saying that it is no longer ok to stick to your convictions. If I were a doctor and told I had to offer the procedure I would turn in my license freely before ever committing murder. This came from a very interesting news letter written by Dr. Dobson (focus on the family.) You can read it in it’s entirety here. http://www.citizenlink.org/focusaction/updates/A000008358.cfm

Well, I didn’t really mean to go on for so long there I’m just that wordy.

So to finish things off on a smile I want you to for just a minute forget that this has anything to do with the election. I got this forwarded to me earlier and had to pass it along.

Where it all began
A little girl wrote to Sarah Palin and asked;
'How did the human race start?'
Sarah Palin answered, 'God made Adam and Eve;
They had children; and so was all mankind made.'
Two days later the girl wrote to Michelle Obama
and asked the same question.
Michelle Obama answered,
'Many years ago there were monkeys from
which the human race evolved.'
The confused girl went to her father and said,
'Dad, how is it possible that Sarah Palin told me
the Human race was created by God,
And Michelle Obama said they evolved from monkeys.'
The father answered, 'Well, Dear, it is very simple,
Sarah Palin told you about her ancestors
and Michelle Obama told you about hers.'

Forgetting the election for a moment it just has to make you laugh.

Much love to everyone. I wish you well.