Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Writting in a good mood for a change.

So I had a pretty good day today and I so often wait to write something until I am upset that I thought this would be a nice change of pace.

It honestly didn't start out so good with me and Dad sniping at each other and then my frustrating redirecting at mom and getting her upset at me. But then again it was early and I was tired and cranky, it all wore off quickly I got nicer eventually.

After we took dad to work we went to possible one of my favorite stores to just shop in and spend money on stupid stuff. I spent 11 dollars today and bought a pair of earrings, a footprints in the sand pin, a Winnie the pooh magnet set (I said it was stupid stuff), and small thing of yarn and a set of double pointed knitting needles which (for those of you playing along) are for knitting on a round (aka a continued knit that creates a tube).

I then was successful in making a cup cozy after spending only a few minutes reading about these things online, oh yeah and a few hours of knitting, but still not bad and it turned out cool looking.

Of course the bright point of the day was picking up my cap and gown. It is so awesome doing this again. I wasn't sure I wanted to do it at first but now I am really excited. I tried everything on earlier and it looked so cool together. I have my cap, tassel, gown, this little scarf like thing that I think goes in the back, and my PTK shawl that looks really sharp with it. I just love getting all done up in it. I am supposed to get honer cords at the ceremony too which I am looking forward to adding to the outfit (am I a girl or what).

Anyway it was just a good day and I am looking forward to telling you about our great trip when I have more time.

Love ya'll