Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Stupid things to be sad about

So I was just sitting here, feeling kinda sad, not major sad mind you, but sad about a couple of things that seem really dumb to be sad about. So since one of my favorite ways to read blogs is in list form and this seemed like the perfect thing to list I thought I might just throw it out there.

1. A little sad about selling my old new computer so fast. I waited a year plus to get that computer and while I am happier with my new one I am kinda sad that the one I waited so long for literally sold a day after I found and bought this new one. I actually took pictures of it as I cleared the last few things I had loaded onto it in the two months I had it. It felt stupid at the time but I really feel dumb to still be missing it now that I turned it over today. I think it must have a lot to do with the fact that I had been convincing myself to love it, even though it wasn't exactly what I was looking for, after I got it and somewhere along the way I really started to.

2. I was frankly a little sad to read that Rachel Burgman (prob didn't spell that right and that isn't even her name anymore now that she is married but I doubt she will be reading this so this will just be between us) had finally moved out to KS. It is so stupid, we never got together and only spoke for a short time when she found me on FB several years ago and we both realized we were attending IvyTech. Then when I found out she was getting married to a southsider that just happened to live in Greenwood I was jazzed thinking we might actually get together sometime and I would finally have someone in this town I knew. But still we never spoke after she moved or had her beautiful little girl. Yet when I learned she had moved back in with her Dad on the north side when her husband joined the Army I was a little bummed and when I saw that they were stationed in KS I got just down right sad. Once again I feel like the only people I know in this state are my parents.

3. I am starting to get sad at the fact that it appears I am much to wordy to really do a list blog appropriately.

4. This one is a little stupid but maybe not so much really. I am sad that the day I have been longing for is almost here. We are hopefully going to sell the house in Quincy soon and be out from under all this mess for once and for all. I am a little sad about seeing the house go but not so much since Grandma and Grandpa moved out of the house I considered their home over ten years ago. Now that was a little more then just sad. No, really I am sad that there will be no more good reason to go to Quincy now. No more made rites, which I never got to introduce any of my friends to. No more shopko which is just a chain department store like a walmart or target. I just really liked it and enjoyed going when we were there. No more sprouts or free pie day at village inn. Most of all I am sad that the last two years in Quincy were filled with so much stress that the torment is what I think about when I think of it. I always enjoyed going to Quincy and had fond memories of it, now I just hope I can get those back and that eventually the bad ones will fade.

5. Ok, so for a really stupid one, I am sad that my little toy ATM is broken, I wanted one for a long time, finally got myself one about 2 years ago to use as savings bank. Then one day dad was hammering on the wall in his study which is connected to my closet and the vibration actually made it fall off the dresser against the other wall in my closet. Now it won't open the cheap plastic drawer unless I pop it with a nail file :(

Well, that's all I can think of right now, trust me there are probably a lot stupider things that make me sad, this is just what came to mind while I was sitting here.