Monday, October 20, 2008

So just because we have newer and better do we have to throw out the tried and true.

What is up with finding 13" tvs. I am trying to replace my baby, the tv I got at the same time as you guys. It went out on me about a week ago. I miss it so much. I love my cheap little tv, it work so well and unlike most of today's flat panel tvs I can leave it paused on something for hours without have the image burn in. I still don't under stand that. Why can I leave something up on my lap top screen all day but if I do on the plasma screen for like 20 mins it starts ghosting.
So anyway I thought finding a cheap 13" tube tv would be easy with all the bigger tvs starting to come down in price.  Instead it apears that they have stopped making them almost all together. I have found 1 or 2 online but even they are all over a hundred bucks. I don't even think mom and dad spent that on mine. So now because the bigger fancier flat panel LCD and Plasmas are so popular I am being penalized for wanting the small old technology. NOT FAIR.

Ok, I guess I am done ranting for now. I just hope I can find a better deal out there. Wish me luck.


Jessica said...

I still have mine! I hope it doesn't die for awhile, I love it too!

jhelene said...

Good Luck! I think my little TV is in my mom's kitchen. I do not even have a TV in my room right now. I gave mine to a friend because I never watch it.