Tuesday, February 17, 2009

When blogs go bad.

We all love the ability to hop online and let everyone know how were are feeling in no time flat. But there is times when waiting till your emotions are in check is best. There is some old saying about how friends don't let friends drink and dial, clearly a spin off of the drink and drive thing but anyway... so while I don't drink there is a similar idea here. When we are super emotional we tend to express more then we otherwise would. That's why when we have a fight we often say something we regret later.

This brings me back to blogging. Mom and I got into it pretty bad last night. I was as mad as I get. I knew I was right and she wouldn't stop getting mad at me. Without going into the details it was pretty frustrating. It got to the point that I left went to my room and shut myself in for the night. I just sat on my bed crying for like an hour. We are so close and fight so little that when we really fight it is really big.

So what does this have to do with a blog. Well, I was totally ready to hop on here and vent talking about how awful she was and how I couldn't stand being in this house (which is a total lie). But better thinking took over and I decided to just go to bed. When I got up this morning I didn't know where things were at. I had tried to talk normally to her three times last night and they all ended badly. With that I was a little uneasy even going to say good morning. After a while I stuck my head out and when she saw me she said good morning like nothing had happened the night before. It took a little big but after a while she apologized for over reacting. I was suddenly very glad I had not publicly trashed her. The truth is things like blogs quite often get us at our worst and aren't always that true. It is important when we are are making things public as we do when we blog that we really think about what we are saying. It can be therapeutic to get things off our chest through writing them down but it can also leave us with regrets that while they maybe able to be deleted were out there none the less.

Well, I do need to get to bed. Mom and I are going shopping tomorrow (we get over things pretty fast most of the time) so I need to get some sleep.
Love to all


jhelene said...

Great blog! It is so true!

jhelene said...