Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ack, I have a hair in my throat and I can't STAND IT!

Ok, so that has nothing to do with anything, I just thought I'd share.

So its about 4 and I'm up, again. This week that has been the pattern, sleep till 2 or 3 pm then fall asleep around 1 or 2 but not be able to stay asleep. It isn't a big problem until we take dad into work but we are supposed to do that tomorrow. Actually we are all going out to breakfast and then take him to work, then its off to the outlet mall for mom and I. I'm looking forward to it, every once and a while we take the 30-40 min drive to Edinburgh, shop for a couple of hours, head over to the antique mall and spend some time there, and grab lunch somewhere while we are there. Just a nice fun mother daughter day and the last time we went was for my birthday, which was a long time ago now that I think about it.

This last week has been a pretty good one. It started with introducing dad to the new restaurant mom and I tried which is a new breakfast hit with us all (in fact that's where we are going tomorrow, or well today) and then later in the week we went downtown and had lunch with Dad at work which is always a nice change.

Still the best part of the week is when I got my Diploma in the mail. It really has me thinking about this whole Graduation thing. When I finished high school I got a class ring, did the whole party thing, got pictures taken, and sent out announcements. I don't want a party since none of my friends live here but at the same time I am starting to feel like this isn't being treated with the same attention and in many ways it is a bigger accomplishment. When the diploma came in I realized that I hadn't even ordered my cap and gown yet for the ceremony. I came real close to not even attending it. I mean the whole community college thing really makes less of a deal out of these things and yet at the same time I am hopeful that it make some good memories. I have never let the size of something determine the value of it when it comes to these things. I am glad I went to my proms even though I didn't have a date and spent a good part of the night sitting at the table. I loved being there with Jordan and will always remember the senior prom when I actually had 2 guys trying to convince me to have my picture taken with them. A little embarrassing at the time but a little fish tale twist on it that makes it sound like I had two guys fighting over me makes a great story lol. Anyway the point it I think people take the size of these events to seriously. I was really afraid that I was going end up not doing it when I realized Mom might be in Quincy (she has to go to help Grandma after having cataract surgery) and not be able to go. I was surprisingly upset when this came to mind, when I think that I almost decided not to do it at all I can't believe how relieved I was to find that she was going to be leaving on the 10th and would still be home on the 8th. It would be nice if I actually knew someone but I am not doing it for now, I am doing it for the memories I will have later. I may go on and get my Bachelors but this might also be as far as I go and I want to enjoy it and treat it like it is just as big a deal as high school was.

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